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Parshas Acharei Mos - Kedoshim

Zechus Refuah Sheleima: Tzvi ben Devorah -( B"H we have seen major progress!!!)

Le'iluy Nishmas: Gittel a"h bas Shraga Meir Hakohen

Le'iluy Nishmas Tziporah Chana a"h bas Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu

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Parsha Overview (Feel free to skip straight to the Party below - simply click the arrow next to this text and the overview will disappear

Acharei Mos - Kedoshim

Acharei Mos

Acharei Mos begins with the reminder that Aharon’s sons died because they had entered the innermost chamber of the Mishkan without permission and that nobody should enter except Aharon or the Kohen Gadol once a year on Yom Kippur.

When the Kohen Gadol enters, he only wears the 4 main garments – not all 8.

One of the main services that the Kohen Gadol performs on Yom Kippur is with 2 goats. He picks a lottery for them. On one paper he writes “For Hashem” and the other he writes “La’Azazel”. The one for Hashem is brought as a Karban Chatas. The second goat is for Azazel is sent alive to the Midbar. First the Kohen Gadol leans his hands on it and confesses for all the types of sins and rebellions of the nation. Then he sends the goat with a designated person to bring it to the Midbar.

The Kohen Gadol goes into the Mishkan alone and brings the Ketores and nobody else can go inside until he is done with this atonement for the nation.

The Kohen Gadol changes many times between his regular eight garments and his four plain special service garments. After each Yom Kippur, he never wears those same pair of service clothing again. The Kohen Gadol also immerses in water several times throughout the day of Yom Kippur.

The mitzvah of the day of Yom Kippur is mentioned here as the 10th day of the 7th month.

Several Mitzvos are listed here in the Parsha.

  • Ø The nation is warned not to bring Karbanos anywhere outside of the Mishkan or Bais Hamikdosh or they will get Kares (cut off from Hashem).

  • Ø One may not consume blood or he will get Kares (cut off from Hashem) because the Nefesh (soul) is in the blood and it is meant for bringing kappara - atonement.

  • Ø If the blood of a kosher animal is shed it needs to be covered.

  • Ø If one ate from the blood and flesh of a Nevela – a dead carcass or a Teraifa – torn animal that was kosher he needs to immerse in a mikvah and if he doesn’t he will carry this sin with him because he cannot enter the Mishkan.

  • Ø Hashem commands not to follow the ways of the Goyim, particularly the ways of Mitzrayim and of Canaan.

  • Ø He commands us to make sure to follow and keep all the laws of the Torah, those with reasons we understand, and those with reasons we don’t understand.

  • Ø The torah lists many marriage relationships that are forbidden – particularly with close relatives.

  • Ø The prohibition against the Avodah Zarah practice of the Molech is mentioned here as well.

  • Ø The people are warned that they should not act in the disgusting ways that people in the land have previously acted with. Men should not marry men and people should not marry animals. These things are disgusting and the land will vomit them out if they do these things.


Hashem commands to tell the Jewish people “You Are Holy!

Below, the parsha lists many mitzvos related to holiness:

  • Ø Fear your parents. Keep Shabbos. (Rashi says that the 2 are together because although you must fear your parents, if they tell you to do something against Shabbos, you should not follow their command).

  • Ø Do not turn to serve worthless idols.

  • Ø When you bring your Karban Shelamim, make sure to eat it by the allotted 3rd day and not later.

  • Ø Mitzvah of Peah - When you cut your harvest in your fields, make sure to leave over the Peah – the corner for the poor.

  • Ø Mitzvah of Leket – When gathering your harvest, any bundles that drop leave behind for the poor.

  • Ø Also the vineyards, leave the small clusters and fallen grapes for the poor.

  • Ø Do not steal money. Do not deny falsely. Do not lie to each other. Do not swear falsely. (Rashi brings Toras Kohanim that one who steals will come to deny and lie and swear falsely.)

  • Ø Don’t oppress your friend. Don’t hold the wages of your worker until the next day.

  • Ø Do not curse a deaf person.

  • Ø Do not put a stumbling block in front of a blind person. (Rashi – don’t give someone bad advice for him).

  • Ø You need to fear Hashem.

  • Ø In judgement one needs to be sure not to judge corruptly. Not to favor a poor or righteous person. “BeTzedek Tishpot”. (Also can be understood to be Dan Lekaf Zechus).

  • Ø Do not go as a Gossiper telling Rechilus!

  • Ø Do not stand by quietly while someone is dying if you can save him.

  • Ø Do not hate your brother in your heart.

  • Ø You must rebuke someone that is doing wrong (but it must not be done in public to embarrass him and must be done in a way that he will accept it).

  • Ø Lo Sikom – do not take revenge or bear a grudge.

  • Ø Ve’ahavta Lereacha – Love your fellow like yourself.

  • Ø The following mitzvos are Chukim – laws that we cannot understand but must follow:

  • Ø Do not Crossbreed animals (mix 2 types of animals as partners).

  • Ø Do not mix Klayim – planting of seeds of different species together.

  • Ø Do not wear Shatnez – wool and linene together.

  • Ø The mitzvah of Arlah of a tree – For 3 years from planting you cannot eat its fruit. On the Fourth year the fruit is holy and for Hashem, and in the fifth year the fruit may be eaten.

  • Ø Don’t eat before the blood (Rashi explains this to be the blood of the Karban is dashed or the flesh of an animal before the soul has fully departed).

  • Ø Lo Sinachashu – Do not act on lucky signs, omens, and times. (We need to be careful with this – not to believe and act on superstitions).

  • Ø Do not cut off the Peah – the corner – of the hairline of your head or the corner of your beard.

  • Ø Do not make cuts in your flesh when someone dies. (This is what the Emori people would do.)

  • Ø Do not inscribe a tattoo that cannot be erased from your skin.

  • Ø Do not give your daughter over to act in inappropriate ways.

  • Ø Keep my Shabbos and treat my Mikdash with holiness and respect.

  • Ø Do not seek the sorcery of Ov and Yidoni.

  • Ø Stand up when an elder walks in and respect the elders.

  • Ø When a Ger comes to live with you be careful not to speak hurtful to him because you were strangers too once, in the land of Mitzrayim. (Do not accuse others of your own defect – Rashi).

  • Ø Do not act corruptly with measures and weights.

  • Ø Separate from the ways of idol worship and Molech because you are holy.

  • Ø One who curses his father or mother even after they die deserves the death penalty.

  • Ø Many improper relationships are warned here to avoid punishment as well.

The Parsha summarizes with Keep the laws, don’t follow the ways of the Goyim, you will inherit the land flowing with milk and honey because you are separate from them, and you need to keep the animals that are Tamei and Tahor separate because you are a holy people.

(Adapted partially from, and The Pesukim and Rashi)

And now for the fun part



  • Marshmallows and white candies

  • Twozies Candies and Double Bubble

  • Dunkees and Aqua chews

  • Lasso string and Laffy Taffy Rope

  • Red Powerade / Red Candies

  • Fire Blaster

  • Animal crackers

  • Black and white cookies or sandwich cookies

  • Challah Twist Cookies or Halva

  • Chocolate leaves, windmill candy, bundles of Pull N Peel

  • Dollar candy, chocolate coins, money roll

  • Peanut chews, Chocolate squares, or marshmallows

  • Mike and Ike, Fruit “reels”, sour lips, fruzips

  • Gushers

  • Jolly Ranchers

  • Heart lollies or candies

  • Seeds and Nut Mix, Color Jelly Bean Mix

  • Cotton Candy

  • Fruit bites, Fruit by the foot, Fruit snacks, Candy powder fruits

  • Snake/Worm Candy

  • Gummi Magic

  • Upshern Pekalach

  • Fruit Roll Up tattoos

  • Candy Cane of Fizzy cane

  • Laffy taffy

  • Choco NoNos

  • Streimel Cookies


Marshmallows and white candies – Kohen Gadol wears 4 white linen garments in the Yom Kippur service

Twozies Candies and Double Bubble – 2 Goats are taken to atone the Jewish People. One for Hashem and One for Azazel

Dunkees and Aqua chews – The Kohen (and others) must immerse in water

Lasso string and Laffy Taffy Rope – The Kohen Gadol goes in alone to do the Yom Kippur service. They must tie a rope on his foot to pull him out in case he dies.

Red Powerade / Red Candies – Blood is forbidden to eat

Fire Blaster - Molech fire

Animal crackers – Goats, Karbanos can’t be outside of Mishkan (Thanks MCC for the idea!), Can’t eat animal that is Traifa (torn) or Nevaila (Animal that died)

Black and white cookies or sandwich cookies – Separation of Holy and Not Holy

Challah Twist Cookies or Halva – Shabbos overrides parents demand to desecrate it

Chocolate leaves, windmill candy, bundles of Pull N Peel – Peah Leket (Pull and Peel is also the Kelayim mixed together)

Dollar candy, chocolate coins, money roll - Do not steal lie etc or hold wages

Peanut chews, Chocolate squares, or marshmallows – Do not put a stumbling block in front of the blind

Mike and Ike, Fruit “reels”, sour lips, fruzips - No rechilus no hate

Gushers – Don’t stand by the blood of your friend while he is dying

Jolly Ranchers - Give tochacha in a way it will be accepted not with anger. Also don’t bear grudge – fargin and let it go and be a jolly fellow

Heart lollies or candies – Love your fellow like yourself and don’t hate your brother in your heart

Seeds and Nut Mix, Color Jelly Bean Mix - Klayim

Cotton Candy – Cotton isn’t a shatnez problem but wool and linen are! Also fluffy for a beard that the edges can’t be shaved off.

Fruit bites, Fruit by the foot, Fruit snacks, Candy powder fruits – Arlah of a tree can’t be eaten first 4 years

Snake/Worm Candy – Lo Se)Nachshu like the word Nachash snake. (It refers to Omens and bad signs

Gummi Magic – Don’t do magic like Ov and Yidoni

Upshern Pekalach – Don’t cut off Peos (Thanks MCC!)

Fruit Roll Up tattoos – Can’t make a tattoo that is permanant

Candy Cane of Fizzy cane – stand up and respect elders

Laffy taffy – Do - n’t laugh at and be mean to a Ger because you were once a Ger too!

Choco NoNos – There are a lot of marriages that are NOT allowed to happen in the Parsha

Streimel Cookies – Chassidim have a minhag not to shave beard at all and leave extra long Peyos – Peyos and beard are in this Parsha

There are definitely more great ideas.... let's get some more please!!!


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Have a wonderful Shabbos!




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