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Parshas Chayei Sarah

Zechus for all the soldiers on the front lines in Israel to stay safe and succeed! Zechus for the hostages to be returned safely and the wounded and grieving to recover from the terrible tragedy that occurred on Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah

Zechus Refuah Sheleima: Miriam bas Chana

Le'iluy Nishmas: Gittel a"h bas Shraga Meir Hakohen

Le'iluy Nishmas Tziporah Chana a"h bas Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu

Please contact us if you would like to sponsor as a zechus for someone

Another great Parsha with many ideas for your Parsha Party.

Parsha Overview (Feel free to skip straight to the Party below - simply click the arrow next to this text and the overview will disappear.)


*Sarah passes away at the age of 127.

Avraham mourns her death and cries and she is buried in Ma’aras Hamachpelah, where Adam and Chava were buried. Avraham went to purchase the cave (Ma'aras Hamachpela) from a man named Ephron.

Ephron offered the land at first for free, but when Avraham wants to pay him, he charges him a large amount, 400 Silver Shekalim.

*The passuk says that Avraham was old and Hashem blessed him with “kol” – everything. Avraham calls his servant Eliezer to promise to find a wife for Yitzchak, sending him to his birthplace, Charan, to find a girl from his family. Eliezer takes 10 camels and many gifts along with him and goes on his way. He miraculously has kefitzas haderech (quickening of the way). When he arrives outside the city, by a well, Eliezer asks Hashem for a sign for the girl destined to marry Yitzchok. The girl that offers to give him and his camels to drink from the well, she should be the one. As he is finishing his tefilla to Hashem, Rivka, the daughter of Besuel (Avraham’s nephew) arrives at the well and offers Eliezer and all his camels to drink. Eliezer excitedly gave her a nose ring and 2 bracelets and is invited to stay by her father’s house. Eliezer blesses Hashem for guiding him.

*Eliezer retells her family the story of Avraham’s growth and him sending Eliezer to find a wife for Yitzchak and the whole story that happened at the well. They agree to send Rivka and Eliezer gives her more silver and gold and special clothing. He gives her brother Lavan and her mother delicacies that he brought and they all sit and have a feast.

*They send Rivka with Eliezer along with her nursemaid to go marry Yitzchak. As they approached, Yitzchak was davening in the field and Rivka sees him and covers herself with a veil. Yitzchak brings her to his mother Sarah’s tent and marries her and is comforted by her. The medrash says that the 3 special brachos that had left the tent when Sarah died had returned when Rivka came into the tent. These were: the cloud of the shechina over the tent, the candles burned from week to week, and there was a blessing of abundance in the challah dough.

*Avraham now takes a wife for himself named Keturah. The medrash says that this is Hagar, she did Teshuva. Avraham has more sons. He gives all his possesions to Yitzchak, and to his sons he gives gifts and sends them away to Kedem – the east. Avraham lives 175 years and is buried in Ma’aras Hamachpela.

The pesukim list the sons of Yishmael and that he died at 137.

(Adapted partially from In a Nutshell by and The Medrash says)

And now for the fun part



  • Cry Baby gum

  • Sour lips candy

  • Money rolls winkies

  • Dollar candies

  • Chocolate coins

  • Candy Canes or Fiz Canes

  • Coca “Col”a or any Cola candies (sour sticks makes a cola flavor)

  • “Chews it” Candies

  • Nutty “chews”

  • Ca(ra)mel candies or cookies (close enough 😊)

  • Chocolate Truffles (camels drink from trough – you can teach your kids a new word)

  • Fruit by the foot

  • Wowzers

  • Blue candies for water

  • Blue mentos

  • Blue fizzlers bottle

  • Powder pumps

  • Jewel pops

  • Jelly beans

  • Candy bracelets

  • Candy rings

  • Candy necklace

  • Fruit loops to make necklaces/bracelet (you will need string)

  • Fruit gems

  • Jelly rings

  • Double dip

  • Double bubble gum

  • Duplex cookies

  • Yummy bites

  • Mentos Pure fresh

  • Garden chips (garden/field)

  • Fruit rollups

  • Mazel tov candy

  • Mazel tov cookies

  • Lipstick candy for the kallah

  • Heart lolly pops

  • Gummy hearts

  • Cotton candy or marshmallows

  • candy corn

  • Doughnuts

  • Cookie dough ice cream

  • Edible cookie dough

  • Kedem Grape Juice


Avraham mourns and Cries after Sarah Imeinu Dies

  • Cry Baby gum

Ephron talks like a righteous person that will give the Ma’aras Hamachpela for free but instead charges Avraham a high sum of silver shekalim

  • Sour lips candy

  • Money rolls winkies

  • Dollar candies

  • Chocolate coins

Avraham is old and blessed with “Kol”

  • Candy Canes or Fiz Canes

  • Coca “Col”a or any Cola candies (sour sticks makes a cola flavor)

Avraham sends Eliezer to choose a wife for Yitzchak

  • “Chews it” Candies

  • Nutty “chews”

Eliezer takes 10 Camels

  • Ca(ra)mel candies or cookies (close enough 😊)

  • Chocolate Truffles (camels drink from trough – you can teach your kids a new word)

Eliezer had Kefitzas Haderech (the traveling went miraculously fast)

  • Fruit by the foot

  • Wowzers

He waited and davened by the Well and Rivka gave him and the camels to drink

  • Blue candies for water

  • Blue mentos

  • Blue fizzlers bottle

  • Powder pumps

Eliezer adorns Rivka with Jewelry

  • Jewel pops

  • Jelly beans

  • Candy bracelets

  • Candy rings

  • Candy necklace

  • Fruit loops to make necklaces/bracelet (you will need string)

  • Fruit gems

  • Jelly rings

The Torah repeats the story of Eliezer and Rivka a second time

  • Double dip

  • Double bubble gum

  • Duplex cookies

Eliezer gives yummy foods to Rivka’s family and they have a feast

  • Yummy bites

Yitzchak is in the field davening when Rivka returns

  • Mentos Pure fresh

  • Garden chips (garden/field)

Rivka covers herself with a Veil

  • Fruit rollups

Yitzchak marries Rivka

  • Mazel tov candy

  • Mazel tov cookies

  • Lipstick candy for the kallah

  • Heart lolly pops

  • Gummy hearts

Rivka enters the tent and Hashem brings back the 3 special brachos – A cloud, the candles burning, and the bracha in the dough

  • Cotton candy or marshmallows

  • candy corn

  • Doughnuts

  • Cookie dough ice cream

  • Edible cookie dough

Avraham sends his sons from Ketura to the east – Kedem

  • Kedem Grape Juice


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Have a wonderful Shabbos!



Parsha Party

©2022 Parsha Party by Devorah Wahl @therealdealdev

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