Parshas Re'eh
Zechus Refuah Sheleima: Tzvi ben Devorah -( B"H Tzvi is almost completely better though we were told to keep him on the list for tefilos)
Le'iluy Nishmas: Gittel a"h bas Shraga Meir Hakohen
Le'iluy Nishmas Tziporah Chana a"h bas Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu
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Parsha Overview (Feel free to skip straight to the Party below - simply click the arrow next to this text and the overview will disappear
In Sefer Devarim – also called Mishna Torah - Moshe Rabeinu recounts what happened in the Torah from the previous Sefarim for the generation that is about to enter the land of Eretz Yisrael and gives them many new Mitzvos as well. His Speech takes place for thirty six days straight - right before he passes away.
Blessings and Curses
The word Re’eh means “See”. Moshe continues speaking and tells Yehoshua and the nation that when they cross the Yarden they will stand before the mountains of Har Gerizim and Har Aivel and see the blessings and the curses placed before them if they follow Hashem’s ways or turn away from them.
Destroy all Avodah Zara!
They are told that these are the mitzvos they need to keep when they come to the land. Again, they are warned to utterly destroy all Avodah Zara within the land of Canaan. They should tear down the Mizbechos of idol worship, break apart the Matzevos – Monuments, burn down the Ashera trees and any images of idols and destroy the name of Avodah Zara from that place.
Do not Destroy Hashem’s name or Mizbayach Hashem
Moshe warns: You should not do so to Hashem. Rashi explains this to mean that you should not bring Karbanos anywhere you want but only in the place Hashem allows it. Another explanation is that you may not erase any part of the name of Hashem or take down even one stone from a Mizbayach for Hashem.
The special place to bring Karbanos
There will be a special place that Hashem designates for bringing Karbanos, Maasros, Terumos, etc to Him. However, for the first 14 years while they are conquering the land, they are permitted to created Bamos, places to bring certain karbanos, until they are settled. Then when they have a set place for Karbanos (Mishkan/Bais Hamikdash) then they will only be permitted to bring Karbanos there.
Eating animals that are not Karbanos
For animals that are not being brought as Karbanos (Rashi says it is referring to animals that were designated as Karbanos but cannot be brought because of a Mum – blemish – or the like) you can slaughter them and eat them outside of the designated place for Karbanos in any city whether the person is Tahor or Tameh.
Do Not Eat the Blood
The animal can be eaten but the blood cannot be eaten and must be spilled to the ground like water.
Keep the laws of the Ma’aseros
The Pesukim warn about the different Ma’aseros (separating 1/10) that they need to be eaten in Yerushalayim and that you cannot forget to give the Leviim the Maaser.
If Hashem gives you wealth and you want to eat meat, then you may.
You must properly slaughter meat to eat it
If you live far from the Mishkan/Mikdash and can’t bring Karbanos daily, you can still eat meat by you as long as it is properly slaughtered but Kadshim must be brought slaughtered in the Mishkan/Mikdash. Again, they are warned to just be careful not to eat blood. Rashi says that if for blood which one has no desire to eat, we are told to be careful with, how much more so with mitzvos that we do have a desire to not keep that we have to be careful.
The mitzvah of Aiver Min Hachai is referenced here as well.
Again, Stay far away from Avodah Zara!
They are once again warned not to get attracted to serving the Avodah Zara they find when they drive out the nations from the land.
Some more mitzvos mentioned in the Parsha
· Don’t add or take away anything from any of the mitzvos commanded.
· If a false Navi or man with a “dream” shows up and tells you to serve Avodah Zara, even if he shows you wondrous signs and miracles, do not believe him or follow him. ONLY follow Hashem and the Torah and copy the ways of Hashem. And the false Navi must be put to death.
· If someone that is dear to you, like a close family member, tries to persuade you to serve Avodah Zara, do not have pity on the person or give in to them and they must be stoned to death.
Ir HaNidachas – A city that goes astray to serve Avodah Zara
If there are men that throw off the Yoke of Torah and Hashem and convince their inhabitants to join them and serve Avodah Zara and you did a thorough investigation that it is a real Ir Nidachas that the majority of the city is serving Avodah Zara, then you need to put the city to death and burn all their stuff in a heap and not rebuild it. (There is controversy in the Gemara if there ever was or was not such a city).
Avodah Zara angers Hashem and for as long as it is served in this world, Hashem’s anger exists in the world.
You are Holy people and must act holy
Banim Atem LaHashem! You are holy because you are the children of Hashem. Do not do as the Amora’im do when someone dies. They mourn so excessively that they cut their flesh and tear out their hair from between their eyes/forehead. You are a holy treasured nation and need to act in a way of holiness. (The Torah gives us the proper ways to mourn loss of life, mutilating the body is not part of that).
What animals are Kosher and Not Kosher:
Do not eat anything that Hashem calls “To’eiva” and abomination.
The animals that you can eat are:
· Ox, lamb, goat, gazelle, deer, antelope, chamois (type of antelope), bison, and…. Zamer, which is translated as Giraffe! (However we do not eat giraffe for either lack of mesorah on it or practicality)
· If the animal has split hooves and chews its cud then it is kosher.
· But if it only has one of those features, if it only chews its cud like the camel, the rabbit, and the hare, or only has split hooves like the pig, then it is not kosher.
· All fish of the sea that have fins and scales are kosher (and do not need shechita!)
· You may eat every kosher bird (that we have a mesorah is kosher).
· The birds that you may not eat are listed in the pesukim including the eagle, vultures, ravens, ostrich, owl, falcon, bat, the chasida (stork) amongst others listed.
· Flying insects – (Sheretz) are not kosher and may not be eaten.
· You may not eat a Nevela – dead animal that was not slaughtered first. You may give it to a Ger Toshav (a non jew that lives among you as an inhabitant that doesn’t serve Avodah Zara.) or sell it to any non-Jew but you are holy.
· Do not cook a goat in its mother’s milk. (This is a reference to the prohibition of eating milk and meat together)
Maaser explained
The Pesukim continue with reminders to give different types of Ma’aseros (1/10 of crop and goods) and not to forget the Levi’im and the poor people, the Ger, the Yasom, the Almana.
The Maaser that needed to be set aside in the times of the Bais Hamikdash:
· Terumah – Every year separate minimum 1/60 of the produce to give to the Kohannim.
· Maaser Rishon – Every year separate 1/10 of the produce and give to the Levi.
· Maaser Sheinu – Years 1,2, 4, 5, of the shemita cycle need to separate an additional 1/10 to consume in Yerushalayim.
· Maaser Ani – Year 3 and 6 of the shemita cycle need to separate the additional 1/10 to distribute to the poor and they can eat anywhere.
Some additional points:
*In the Seventh year is Shemita and no Maaser is taken. Instead, the field is free to the public.
*Bikkurim must also be brought every year – these are the first fruits of the crop.
*Today we set aside 1/10 of our income for the poor or those that learn Torah.
*Maaser Sheini is brought to be eaten in Yerushalayim. If its too heavy or too much to carry, it can be redeemed with a monetary amount and add 1/5th to the sum, and once in Yerushalyim can be used to buy food to eat there.
Shemitah and Borrowed Money
The mitzvah of Shemita is mentioned here as the 7th year. Although it is the year that farmers may not work the land, here it is referring to the end of shemita where are debts that are owed, are nullified and the borrower no longer has to repay it. If he wants to repay it as a gift then the lender may accept it back. But he cannot demand it back. This debt forgiveness only applies if the borrower is a Yid. This Mitzvah requires complete trust in Hashem who promises that you will not lose out or lack from this mitzvah.
(Many people stopped lending money to those in need because they were afraid of losing money to shemita so the chachamim came up with the concept of Pruzbul – which is a document that makes the money belong to Bais Din. The law of money not having to be paid back is only for private individuals and not to Bais Din.)
You Must Give Tzedaka
Give Tzedaka to the Poor! If someone needs money, don’t hold back from giving him Tzedaka. The poor, your relative, your city member, those that need give to them!
Don’t let the worry of the shemita year coming up stop you from giving Tzedaka to the poor. The more your give to the poor the more Hashem will bless you!
A slave goes free by Shemita
If a Jewish slave is sold to you, he works until the Shemita year, in which he goes free. When you send him or her free, you can’t send them empty handed but with gifts of whatever abundance Hashem has blessed you. This is to remember that we were all once slaves in Mitzrayim and Hashem saved us.
If the slave doesn’t want to go free, you take them to the doorpost where you pierce their ear and keep them as a slave until the Yovel year when they must go free.
First Born Animals
First Born Animals – they must be set aside to be brought to the Kohen. It gets slaughtered in the Mishkan/Mikdash and eaten by the Kohen. If it has a blemish, it can’t be brought as a karban.
The Moadim
Before Moshe leaves them, he reviews with them the Mitzvos of the Moadim in which they must come up to be Oleh Regel. Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukkos. And there is a mitzvah to be happy on the Moadim and bring along with them karbanos to Hashem according to what they can afford!
(Adapted partially from, and The Pesukim and Rashi and Medrash Says)
And now for the fun part
· Fruity Peak
· Oh Fish snacks
· Jelly Fish Candies
· Take Ten Cookies
· TenLi candies
· Spring Pop
· Candy Brix
· Marshmallows
· Gushers
· Air Heads
· Twerps Explosion
· Atomic sour candies
· Burst Candies
· Rock Candies
· Chews-it candies
· Nutty Chews
· Aqua Chews
· Dollar Candy
· Winkies Money Rolls
· Dazzlers
· Lasso Candy
· Fizzy bottles
· Pareve Ice Cream
· Animal crackers
· Bread Sticks
· Pesach Candies
· Gluten Free cookies
· Torah Oodles/Candies
· Smilee candies
· Jolly Ranchers
· Gift Platters
· Seven Layer Cake
Fruity Peak - The nation will stand before Har Gerizim and Har Aivel to hear the blessings and curses if they keep the mitzvos or don’t
Oh Fish snacks, Jelly Fish Candies - The parsha lists that for fish to be kosher they need fins and scales
Take Ten Cookies, TenLi candies – The Parsha lists the different types of Maaser that must be taken. Maaser is 1/10 of the crop or produce
Spring Pop – The Moadim – Regalim are mentioned at the end of the Parsha and Pesach is called the holiday of Spring
Candy Brix – When they come to the land they are warned again and again to break apart any Mizbayach that was built for Avodah Zara. On the other hand they may not even move a brick of the Mizbayach of Hashem.
Marshmallows – Sheep are kosher animals and they all come along with laws of proper Shechita. (You can make little sheep out of little marshmallows).
Gushers – When you do the proper shechita, you MAY NOT EAT the blood
Air Heads – You must destroy the Avodah Zara – a bunch of air heads and not real Gods.
Twerps Explosion, Atomic sour candies, Burst Candies, Rock Candies - Whatever it takes to destroy any remnance of Avodah Zara in the land must be done. Break the rocks, and explode it and destroy it and don’t dare be attracted to it. And if a city serves Avodah Zara – Its called an Ir Nidachas and they must be destroyed. And if a relative tries to convince you to serve Avodah Zara, they must be destroyed.
Chews-it candies, Nutty Chews, Aqua Chews – the signs that an animal is Kosher is that it Chews its Cud and has split hooves (feet). But if it only does one and not the other, like the camel chews its cud but no split hooves, or the pig has split hooves but does not chew its cud, then it is not kosher.
Dollar Candy, Winkies Money Rolls – Take Maaser. Give Tzedaka. Let a loan go free in Shemita.
Dazzlers – Sometimes a relative or city will try to dazzle you to serve Avodah Zara.
Lasso Candy - There is a giraffe on the package. Giraffe is possibly listed as a Kosher animal (Zamer) but it is not clear and we do not eat it.
Fizzy bottles – bottles of milk cannot be used to cook meat – reference to milk and meat not mixing
Pareve Ice Cream – Be sure to get non-dairy ice cream because you can’t have milk after meat – don’t cook a goat in it’s mothers milk
Animal crackers - The laws of shechita and Kosher animals and not eating a Nevelah – not slaughtered animal
Bread Sticks - No Chametz on Pesach
Pesach Candies - Keep Pesach and go be Oleh Regel
Gluten Free cookies - Pesach
Torah Oodles/Candies - Shavuos
Smilee candies, Jolly Ranchers – Sukkos – it commands you to be happy and jolly
Gift Platters -Bring gifts to Hashem when you go up for the Moadim. Also you must send away the slave during Shemita with Gifts
Seven Layer Cake – Shemita money laws, in 7th year
There are definitely more great ideas.... let's get some more please!!!
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Have a wonderful Shabbos!