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Parshas Shoftim

Dedicated for Refua Sheleima for Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka

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Parsha Overview (Feel free to skip straight to the Party below - simply click the arrow next to this text and the overview will disappear

In Sefer Devarim – also called Mishna Torah - Moshe Rabeinu recounts what happened in the Torah from the previous Sefarim for the generation that is about to enter the land of Eretz Yisrael and gives them many new Mitzvos as well. His Speech takes place for thirty six days straight - right before he passes away.


Shoftim Means Judges.

Moshe continues to tell the nation:

Set up Courts Systems and Judges

You must set up court systems in your cities with judges and law enforcement personnel. Shoftim – are judges to decide the verdict. Shotrim are people that make sure the verdict is enforced and kept.  (***There is discussion by R’ Chaim Vital here about setting up guards in your gates alluding to gates of the mouth and other senses to set up guards not to transgress such as lips and teeth shut not to speak Lashon Hara. This however is not the simple understanding of the pesukim.)

Judges need to be honest. No favoritism or bribes allowed because bribes blind the eyes of the wise.

You must pursue Justice – Tzedek Tzedek Tishpot!

Avodah Zara Warnings

Don’t plant an Ashera tree and don’t plant a tree near the Mizbayach Hashem. Rashi says this is a warning not to plant a tree or build a house on the Har Habayis.

Don’t make a Matzeva to sacrifice on.

Do not bring an animal with a Mum- blemish as a Karban to Hashem

If you hear that a man or woman is serving Avodah Zara – you must investigate. If they are guilty they must be put to death with S’kila – Stoning.

At least 2 witnesses are needed to put the death penalty on someone.

If judges are not sure of the judgement then it should be brought to the higher court, to the Kohanim at the place of the Mishkan/Mikdash. Whatever they tell you don’t turn from it left or right. – The famous Rashi is brought here explaining that even if they tell you your left is your right and your right is your left don’t turn away from it. How much more so if they say your left is your left and your right is your right. In other words, even if you do not understand the ruling you received, you must go by it.

If one purposely disobeys the Kohen He must be put to death. The people must listen and fear the courts.


Establishing a King

When you come to the land and want to have a king rule over you, it will be whomever Hashem chooses. From one of your own brothers and not a foreigner.

Rules for the King:

1.      He can’t have too many horses

2.      He can’t have too many wives

3.      He can’t have too much gold and silver

4.      He must write 2 Sifrei Torah for himself

Why not too many horses? Because the horses are in Mitzrayim. If he wants too many, he will end up sending people to Mitzrayim to get them and Hashem did not want the people to go back there.

How many wives? 18 (Rashi) Why not more? Too many wives will turn his heart away from Hashem.

2 SIfrei Torah – one to keep in his treasury and one to take with him wherever he goes. He should learn the Torah every day if he wants his kingdom to remain and so that his heart doesn’t fill with Gaava – haughtiness and so he keeps the mitzvos.


The Kohanim and Leviim do not inherit any part of the land

The Kohanim do not get a portion of land. Instead, they get from the Karbanos and the first of all your possessions, animals, crops, etc. This is the Terumah.

They can bring Karbanos on their own freewill even when it is not their shift.


Don’t Follow the abominable ways of the idolators

When you come to the land don’t copy their ways. (Rashi says you can learn about what they do so you can teach your children not to do it). What are these ways of the people not to copy?

1.      Molech – they pass their children through a fire (or between 2 bonfires)

2.      Kosem – asking a stick to advise the future

3.      Me’onen – Declaring certain times lucky or not lucky to do something

4.      Menachesh – acting on superstitions or bad omens

5.      Mechashef – practicing kishuf – black magic

6.      Chover Chever – uses his charm to gather snakes scorpions and other animals

7.      Shoel Ov – He brings up dead people and their voice comes out from under the arm of the sorcerer

8.      Shoel Yidoni – He puts the bone of a Yedoa animal in his mouth and the bone talks

9.      Doresh El Hameisim – communicating with a skull or dead bodies in the cemetery to consult on what to do

All of these actions were done using Tumah and are disgusting to Hashem. Instead – the Pasuk says the famous words “Tamim Tihyeh Im Hashem…” Be wholehearted and sincere with Hashem. Rashi explains that we should not rely on all the magic and superstitions but only on Hashem.


Hashem says they can’t seek advice from the tumah ways of the nations but don’t worry, I will give them a Navi that I will speak to and will tell them over my words.

And if someone doesn’t listen to the words I tell the Navi they will be held responsible.

And a Navi that says words in my name that I didn’t say or says words in the name of Avodah Zara – he will be killed.

How will they know if the Navi is speaking truth? If he says something will happen and it doesn’t.

Set up Arei Miklat

If someone accidentally ends up killing another person, you need to have 3 Arei Miklat set up for him to run to in the main land and 3 cities set up on the other side of the Yarden. He can run there and be protected from the relatives of the victim that died.

However, if someone hates another person and purposely kills them, the Arei Miklat will not protect him and if he runs there then he needs to be handed over to Beis Din.

Hasagas Gevul

Hasagas Gevul in Eretz Yisrael – one may not extend the boundary of his property into his neighbor’s property.


-One witness is not enough to come up against someone that did a sin. At least 2 witnesses are needed.

(The pasuk says men – as women are not counted as halachic witnesses. - Rashi)

- If there is a witness that gave false testimony and it was impossible to prove wrong and a person was punished due to the false testimony it must be that the person did another Aveira that deserved punishment and the Bais Din is not held accountable.

- Eidim Zomimim-  2 witnesses come and give testimony about someone. Another 2 witnesses come along and prove that the first 2 witnesses can not be trusted and that their testimony is false. Then it should be done to these witnesses what they plotted to do to the person they brought testimony against.

Going to war

When you go to war with enemies and see all their strength, don’t be afraid because Hashem will fight your battles. The Kohen appointed for war will come out and remind you not to be afraid because Hashem is with you.

The Shotrim announce who doesn’t go out to war.

1.      One who built a house but has not lived in it yet

2.      One who planted a vineyard but hasn’t benefitted from it yet (brought the fruits in 4th year to Yerushalayim)

3.      One who is engaged but did not yet marry his wife

The Shotrim then call out if anyone is afraid to fight at war then they should go home.

Ask for Peace before War

When you approach a city to make war with them, first offer them to make peace and surrender to you. If they don’t accept the peace then you must wage war with them or they will come with war against you. You will get to keep their spoils and women and children.

This does not refer to the cities of the 7 nations that Hashem said you must destroy when you come to the land because they are full of bad ways.

Bal Tashchis

When you make siege on a city, don’t cut down any trees that produce fruit as this is waste. This is the mitzvah of Bal Tashchis. Not only during war, but at all times, we must be careful not to waste that which is useful.

Egla Arufah

If a dead body is found in the field between cities and nobody knows who was the cause of his death then judges need to go out and measure the closest city to the dead body.

The elders of that city need to take a calf to the valley and break its neck and say we did not shed this man’s blood or see it happen. And the people will be atoned for.

(Adapted partially from, and The Pesukim and Rashi and Medrash Says)

And now for the fun part



  • Gavels made of pretzel sticks and Marshmallows

  • Animal Crackers

  • Grapes

  • Grape Flavors sippies (or any candy)

  • Rock Candy

  • Graham Crackers and fluff Houses

  • Jewel Pops or candy rings

  • Fruit Rollups

  • Torah Oodles

  • Torah Candy gel

  • Mike and Ike

  • Lip candy or Fruzips

  • Any candy with the word “fruit” in it

  • Twozies

  • Nuggets candies

  • Dollar Candies

  • Money rolls

  • Fruit Gems

  • Airheads

  • GoGo candies

  • Gushers

  • Gummie Magic Unicorn/Sour bears

  • Dazzlers

  • Snake Gummies/snake spray

  • Fire Blast

  • Twisters/Twist

  • Shock Pops

  • TidBits

  • Bloomeos cookies

  • Sour Sticks

  • Gummy Bones


Gavels made of pretzel sticks and Marshmallows – They must appoint judges and officers to make sure they keep the verdict of the judges

Animal Crackers  - 1. Do not bring an animal as karban with a Mum. 2. A King can’t have too many horses. 3. Kohein can bring his own karban when he wants to. While the Kohen doesn’t get a nachala he gets terumah for the first of the animals and fruits.   4. Egla Arufa – the elders of the town closest to the dead person that was found must break the neck of a young cow.

Grapes/ Grape Flavors sippies (or any candy)-  If a person did not get to benefit from his vineyard he doesn’t go to war

Rock Candy – Do not make a matzeva. Also they use stoning against someone serving Avodah Zara

Graham Crackers and fluff Houses – Someone that built a house but didn’t live in it yet does not go to war

Jewel Pops or candy rings – Someone that is engaged to be married does not go to war. Also A king can’t have too many wives. 18 is the max.

Fruit Rollups /Torah Oodles/ Torah Candy gel – A king has to write 2 sifrei Torah

Mike and Ike – Can be 2 witnesses. Also a court case against 2 people. Also can be Eidim Zomemim that bring false testimony

Lip candy or Fruzips – According to R’ Chaim Vital – Shoftim refers to guarding our body from doing wrong with our gates. Gates to the mouth are lips and teeth and guard it not to speak Lashon Hara

Any candy with the word “fruit” in it –  If someone has a vineyard that he planted and didn’t eat from it he doesn’t go to war. Also if you make war with a city then don’t cut down the fruit trees as it is bal tashchis

Twozies -  You need 2 male witnesses to count as testimony

Nuggets candies  - You get to keep the gems, nuggets, spoils from war.

Dollar Candies, Money rolls, Fruit Gems,  – A king cannot have too much wealth. Also, no bribery allowed

Airheads -  Eidim Zomim that come and make up false testimony. Also False Navi that comes and says things Hashem never said

GoGo candies – If a king wants too many horses he will tell people to go to Mitzrayim to get more

Gushers -  If they find a dead man in a field and then trace back to the closest city to do Egla Arufa

Gummie Magic Unicorn/Sour bears – Don’t copy the ways of the nations that do magic

Dazzlers- Do not bribe a judge

Snake Gummies/snake spray – A chover Chaver we may not try to copy – He is someone that charms snakes to come up to him

Fire Blast – The Molech that the nations would pass their kids between the fire

Twisters/Twist – Do not twist the judgement in any way. If you are told something by the court even if its right is left and left is right you must keep it

Shock Pops -Don’t shock nations with war when you want to take their cities – first ask them to peacefully surrender

TidBits -  Tid bits are pieces of information – don’t slip tidbits to the judges to have them judge in your favor

Bloomeos cookies – If you planted a vineyard that did not bloom yet then you don’t go to war

Sour Sticks – Don’t be like the Kosem that asks his stick for advice on what to do like magic

Gummy Bones – Don’t be like the Shoel Yidoni that sticks a bone in his mouth and the bone talks

Have a wonderful Shabbos!




  • Zechus for all the soldiers on the front lines in Israel to stay safe and succeed!

  • Zechus for the hostages to be returned safely and the wounded and grieving to recover from the terrible tragedy that occurred on Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah.

  • Le'iluy Nishmas the soldiers lost in battle and all the Kedoshim lost on 10.7.23

  • Zechus Refuah Sheleima: Miriam bas Chana

  • Le'iluy Nishmas: Gittel a"h bas Shraga Meir Hakohen

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Tziporah Chana a"h bas Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Eliyahu zt"l ben R' Chaim Yitzchak and Raizel a"h bas R' Dovid Mordechai

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Moshe ben Dovid

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Meir Naftoli ben Tzvi Halevi

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Shneur Zalman ben Yitzchak HaKohen


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