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Parshas Vayera

Refua Sheleima for Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka

Refuah Sheleima for Yehudis Miriam bas Dina

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Another great Parsha with many ideas for your Parsha Party.


Parsha Overview (Feel free to skip straight to the Party below - simply click the arrow next to this text and the overview will disappear.)


In the previous parsha, Avraham gives himself a Bris Milah as commanded by Hashem at the age of 99.

Now, Hashem appears to Avraham on the third day following his Bris Milah to do the mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim. Avraham had loved having guests and was distraught that no visitors had come to him during this time.

His tent was open on all four sides to welcome guests at every entrance. Hashem had caused the sun to bear down with extreme heat so that people would not want to travel and disturb Avraham after his Bris Milah.

Hashem himself came to Avraham instead. But when He saw that Avraham truly wished to have guests, He sent 3 Malachim disguised as passerby and Avraham runs out to greet them. Avraham invites them to wash the dirt off of their feet and invites them in for bread. He prepares a lavish meal for them with a cow and serves them tongue. He also serves cream and milk.

One of the Malachim informs him that in a year Sarah will give birth to a son and Sarah laughs when she hears this because they are both quite old.

Next the Malachim plan to go to destroy Sodom for their horrible actions and behaviors. Hashem tells Avraham the plan to destroy Sodom. Avraham is distraught and davens to Hashem to find tzaddikim in the city worthy of saving it. Sadly, there weren’t even 10 tzadikkim there to save them from being destroyed.

When the Malachim arrive in Sodom, Lot invites them to his home thinking that they are regular people. In Sodom it was prohibited to invite guests and treated as a capital. Lot serves them Matzah and a feast. The people of Sodom find out and gather around Lot’s house. They demand that he sends the guests outside into their hands to deal with as they please but Lot refuses to do so. Hashem makes a Neis and the people of Sodom are blinded and unable to hurt Lot or his guests.

The Malachim stretch out their hands and pull Lot inside his house to safety. They tell him that they are there to destroy the city and save his family. Lot and family are sent to run for their lives and commanded not to look back as the city gets destroyed. Lots wife does not listen and she looks back. According to the Medrash she is turned into a pillar of salt. (The Medrash says that she had informed her neighbors of the guests arrival as she went to borrow salt and was therefore punished this way). Hashem rains down fire and ashes on the city and turns the whole city upside down.

Lot and his daughters hide in a cave while the city is destroyed. The daughters in fear believe that they are the only ones left in the world and need to create a continuation of the world. Lot and his daughters then have 2 sons, whom they name Moav and Ben-Ammi (Ammon).

Meanwhile, Avraham and Sarah move to the city of Gerar and the King Avimelech takes Sarah away to his palace. He was told that Avraham was the brother of Sarah in order to save Avraham’s life. Hashem appears to Avimelech in a dream and tells him that Sarah is married to Avraham and he must return her to Avraham. Avimelech wakes up frightened and returns her to Avraham.

Hashem remembers his promise to Sarah and she has a son named Yitzchak – which means will laugh. Yitzchak is given a Bris Milah at 8 days old. Sarah is 90 and Avraham is 100. There is a Medrash that Yitzchak looked like an exact copy of Avraham for anyone that would dare to say he wasn’t his father.

Yishmael was not behaving nicely and Sara is not happy about this and wants to send him away. Hashem tells Avraham “Shema Bekola” – listen to what she says (yes this is where these words originate! 😊 ) Hagar and Yishmael are sent away from Avraham's home to the desert and Yishmael almost dies there. Hashem hears Yishmael crying and saves his life showing his mother a well of water.

Avimelech makes a treaty with Avraham at Beer Sheva where Avraham gives him seven sheep as a sign.

Akeidas Yitzchak - Hashem gives Avraham his final and hardest test and tells him to bring his son Yitzchak as a Karban on Har HaMoriah. Yitzchak is tied up and prepared to be sacrificed. Avraham raises the knife and the Malachim cried tears that fell into Yitzchaks eyes (according to the Medrash) these tears led him to later lose his eyesight. Hashem calls out for Avraham to stop and instead to bring a ram in his place as a Karban. After Avraham passes this test, Hashem reassures him once again that his children will multiply like the stars and the sand.

Rivka is born at the end of this Parsha.

(Adapted partially from In a Nutshell by and The Medrash says)

And now for the fun part



  • Cotton Candy

  • Candy Corn

  • Braided Pretzels or edible cookie dough

  • “Door”itos

  • Kind bars

  • Red hots

  • Hot Tomales

  • Hot Chips

  • Hot salsa and chips

  • Hot and spicy dips

  • SunCups Dark Chocolate

  • Gift Box of chocolates - PC POPS is a great place to get this!

  • Fruit by the foot

  • Ice "cream" (pareve options)

  • Tongue at your meal or sour belts hanging like tongues out of the kids mouths

  • NoCow Protein bars

  • Laffy Taffy

  • Smirk Bars (Dairy – save for Melave Malka)

  • Salty crackers

  • Salty pretzels

  • Salty popcorn

  • Salty chips (Pop Corners or Boom chica pop chips are great too!)

  • Salty nuts (peanuts, mixed nuts, cashews, pistachios, etc)

  • Salt water taffy

  • Wicked Dark Chocolate

  • Atomic Fireball candy (check for hechsher)

  • Fireblast or bomb spray candy

  • Rock candy

  • Soda

  • Sour belts or any stretchy rope candy

  • Baby bottle candy

  • Pacifier candy

  • Sippies

  • Mazel Tov coins

  • Candy canes

  • Mini marhsmallows

  • Dunkees

  • Brick candy

  • Cry Baby gum

  • Star candy or treats


The Medrash says that Sarah Had 3 special Brachos: Cloud on her tent, the candles burned weekly, there was bracha in her dough.

  • Cotton Candy for clouds

  • Candy Corn for flames

  • Braided Pretzels or edible cookie dough

4 Door tents for chessed

  • “Door”itos

Avraham loved to do Kindness

  • Kind bars – there is a kids version chocolate chip and peanut butter chocolate chip

Hashem made it so Hot outside so nobody will come

  • Red hots

  • Hot Tomales

  • Hot Chips

  • Hot salsa and chips

  • Hot and spicy dips

  • SunCups Dark Chocolate

Hashem does Bikkur Cholim

  • Gift Box of chocolates – (can turn this into a discussion about Bikkur cholim and sending get well gifts) - PC POPS is a great place to get this!

Avraham serves the guests a meal with tongue, cream and milk

  • Fruit by the foot - washing feet

  • Ice "cream" (pareve options)

  • Tongue at your meal or sour belts hanging like tongues out of the kids mouths

  • NoCow Protein bars

Sarah Laughs when she hears she will have a baby at 90

  • Laffy Taffy

  • Smirk Bars (Dairy – save for Melave Malka or breakfast)

Lots wife becomes a pillar of salt

This ones a good one for those that don't use candy!

  • Salty crackers

  • Salty pretzels

  • Salty popcorn

  • Salty chips (Pop Corners or Boom chica pop chips are great too!)

  • Salty nuts (peanuts, mixed nuts, cashews, pistachios, etc)

  • Salt water taffy (can also be used for tears in Yitzchaks eyes – Thank you Esti K., Linda, and T. Cohen)

People of Sodom are wicked and destroyed with fire

  • Wicked Dark Chocolate

  • Atomic Fireball candy (check for hechsher)

  • Fireblast or bomb spray candy

  • Rock candy – the city is overturned into a heap of rocks

  • Soda (for Sodo'm)

The Malachim stretch out their hands to save Lot from Sodom

  • Sour belts or any stretchy rope candy.

Sarah has baby at 90

  • Baby bottle candy

  • Pacifier candy

  • Sippies

  • Mazel Tov coins

  • Candy canes – she is old to have a baby

Avraham gives sheep to Avimelech

  • Mini marhsmallows – can make little sheep out of them

Akeidas Yitzchak

  • Dunkees – (Avrahams Donkey. Also the sticks can be the sticks that Yitzchak was tied to)

  • Brick candy – mizbeach

  • Cry Baby gum – tears from Malachim

  • Any leftover Star candy or treats from last week can work for this week as well as Hashem promises after the Akeida that they will be many like the stars

Have a wonderful Shabbos!




Zechus for all the soldiers on the front lines in Israel to stay safe and succeed!

  • Zechus for the hostages to be returned safely and the wounded and grieving to recover from the terrible tragedy that occurred on Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah.

  • Le'iluy Nishmas the soldiers lost in battle and all the Kedoshim lost on 10.7.23

  • Zechus Refuah Sheleima: Miriam bas Chana

  • Le'iluy Nishmas: Gittel a"h bas Shraga Meir Hakohen

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Tziporah Chana a"h bas Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Eliyahu zt"l ben R' Chaim Yitzchak and Raizel a"h bas R' Dovid Mordechai

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Moshe ben Dovid

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Meir Naftoli ben Tzvi Halevi

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Shneur Zalman ben Yitzchak HaKohen

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Shalom ben Shraga Meir HaKohen

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Moshe Naftali ben Yechiel


Parsha Party

©2022 Parsha Party by Devorah Wahl @therealdealdev

All Rights Reserved. No part of this site may be copied or reproduced without permission from Parsha Party. You may share a link to the site.

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